May 4, 2022

How to Improve Our Energy and Education Policies

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Back in the late 1970s, a series of public policy decisions was made at the federal level that continue to fail us all these decades later. I think it’s long past time that we revisit those and even be open to reversing and repealing them entirely. Two of the main issues I’m using in my campaign for the Oregon’s brand…

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February 17, 2022

Energy Independence is Essential

Oil Or Gas Transportation With Blue Gas Or Pipe Line Valves On Soil And Sunrise Background -cm

Under the Trump administration, the United States achieved something many of us thought we would never see—this nation became completely energy independent. Aside from being self-sufficient in this very critical area, we also became a net exporter of energy. The implications of this were huge. Whereas before, we relied on other nations to help meet our energy needs, we were…

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